Why You Need Explainable Entity Resolution

By Senzing, September 28, 2022

Do you ever wish your entity resolution results were 100 percent explainable? Be sure to watch the video below to learn why explainable entity resolution results are so valuable and how Senzing delivers them via accurate record matching.

It’s common for entity resolution technologies to produce results that are difficult or impossible to explain. That’s unfortunate because explainability can provide huge benefits.

Senzing® entity resolution technology produces the explainable results our customers require. In a single API call, users can quickly and easily find out why records match, why they didn’t, or get the step-by-step details about how records in a single entity came together over time.

These three explainability functions help provide a better understanding and greater confidence in the results Senzing entity resolution delivers, plus help meet an organization’s compliance and audit requirements. Watch the video to learn more.

Video Transcript


0:00 Intro
0:14 Why You Need Explainable Entity Resolution: Why And Why Not?
0:29 Why You Need Explainable Entity Resolution: Why Records May Match
0:40 Why You Need Explainable Entity Resolution: Why Records Don’t Match
0:52 How Entities Evolve
1:29 Explaining Record Matching

It’s very common in entity resolution technology to produce results that are very difficult or impossible to explain. We think that’s unacceptable. 

0:14 Why You Need Explainable Entity Resolution: Why And Why Not?

At Senzing, our entity resolution technology produces results that are explainable, and one of the features that we have is called why and why not. These are two different API calls where you say, hey, this record and this record, why did they come together?

0:29 Why You Need Explainable Entity Resolution: Why Records May Match

And the Senzing API will produce a detailed account. The names were this close with this score. The addresses were this close, these things disagreed, these things agreed, and therefore this is why.

0:40 Why You Need Explainable Entity Resolution: Why Records Don’t Match

Similarly, why not. How come this record and that record did not come together? And then the Senzing API is called with that, and it returns and it tells you exactly why those two records did not come together.

0:52 How Entities Evolve

In addition to why and why not, we have how. How did that entity evolve? As records are being added, new records show up, and maybe your record’s kicked out, a new record is added and another record’s brought in, and it’s the collection of this changing data over time that has left it in the state it’s in, and ‘how’ brings about an explanation about how did we get here.

1:29 Explaining Record Matching

It is really this why, why not, and how — our three explainability functions — they’re so important to compliance and audit. Like, imagine you’re talking to a regulator about why you made a business decision the way you did. Well, you’re going to want to be able to explain why these records came together or not. Otherwise, I don’t know, you’re not going to look so good in the audit. And we worked really hard to make this explainable, something that’s rather unique about Senzing we’re very proud of it.

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