About Senzing

Our Story

IBM acquired Las Vegas-based Systems Research & Development (SRD) in 2005 for its real-time entity resolution technology known as Non-Obvious Relationship Awareness (NORA). IBM renamed and now sells this technology under the brand name IBM InfoSphere Identity Insight. It’s a unique product in use around the world. Much was learned.

In 2009, four years later, Jeff Jonas and team developed a vision to revolutionize entity resolution. The design aspirations included such things as: domain agnostic; self-tuning, self-correcting thus not dependent upon entity resolution experts; optimized for horizontally-scaling cloud compute infrastructures; Privacy by Design (PbD); relationship awareness; geospatial awareness; real-time; extensible; scalable; and easily deployed and operated.

Mid 2009, we embarked on this ambitious journey – working on the design (blueprints) while at IBM in a skunkworks projects code named “G2.” After one year of design, the team started coding the core engine (in C++). On Data Privacy Day 2012, two and a half years after inception, the G2 technology became commercially available. Thousands of copies were shipped. One such example described here in this 2018 New York Times story entitled “Another use for A.I.: Finding Millions of Unregistered Voters.”

In 2016, Senzing was formed based on a one-of-a-kind IBM spin-out of the G2 technology and team.

Our Leadership Team

The Senzing team has more than 300 years of combined experience building and deploying entity resolution systems. Many of the core team members have worked alongside Jonas for well over a decade.

  • Team

    CEO and Chief Scientist

    Superpower: Big data whisperer

  • Team
    Jeff Butcher

    Co-Founder and Chief Architect

    Superpower: Materializing Jonas’ vision

  • Team
    Brian Macy

    Chief of Product Development and Operations

    Superpower: Superhero sequencing superheroes

  • Team
    John Bliss

    General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer

    Superpower: Squaring law, privacy and technology

  • Team
    Will Layton

    SVP Global Sales & Public Sector

    Superpower: Seeing the future

  • Team
    Anthony Farinha

    VP Global Partnerships

    Superpower: Building innovative, successful partnerships

  • Team
    Barry Caceres

    Chief of Application Services and Interfaces

    Superpower: Complexity masking

  • Team
    Michael Dockter

    Senior Open Source Community Architect

    Superpower: Champions software craftsmanship
