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Senzing Explainability

The most trusted entity resolution results.

For most entity resolution matching engines on the market (or built in-house), explaining why, why not and how decisions were made is incredibly difficult or impossible. Yet, if you don’t have visibility into how decisions are made, it’s hard to trust your entity resolution system’s results and difficult to feel comfortable making important decisions based on those results and difficult to comply with audits.

In the real world, business users, data scientists and auditors will want to know why records matched or didn’t, as well as details of how decisions were made. For example, regulators and other compliance auditors may require you to explain why specific matches were made or why you approved or denied a transaction.

Many of today’s entity resolution systems utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) based data matching methodology. For these AI/ML-based systems, explaining why and how decisions were made can be incredibly difficult or impossible. With Senzing® entity resolution, users can see why a match was made or not made – as well as the details of how an entity evolved – with just a few clicks or keystrokes.

Explainability of entity resolution and ai based decision making

Senzing explainability functions include the why, why not and how for record-matching decisions. Together these functions allow you to explore why records matched or didn’t match and provide you with full visibility into all the details about how decisions were made.


Produces a detailed account showing all the reasons, confidence scores and principles for why a matching decision was made (how close the names, addresses and attributes were).

Why Not?

Gives the reasons and scores for why a matching decision wasn’t made (which attributes were the same, which differed and why a match wasn’t made).


Displays easy-to-digest step-by-step details on how an entity came together by producing a series of why function results (you can view the decision waterfall process in summary, tree or table format views).

Senzing explainability tools are included with our free and easy-to-use Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Tools which are included with the Senzing API.

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