Easily Comply with CCPA and GDPR

Senzing entity resolution software helps you comply with CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requirements. Our built-in Privacy by Design (PbD) principles also enable you to more securely share information across departments or organizations.

  • Easily address CCPA rights of California consumers
  • Rapidly comply with GDPR requests from data subjects
  • Share hashed data to reduce unintended disclosure risks

Senzing software helps protect data privacy while providing you with the most complete and accurate views of customers. You can hash specific fields to maintain right to erasure or right to deletion repositories. Hashed data can also be used to provide better analytics for M&A, co-marketing and other activities.


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Access Requests

Deletion Requests

Opt-out Requests


Access Requests

Erasure Requests

Rectification Requests

Privacy-Enhanced Info Sharing

Mergers & Acquisitions

Multi-Party Investigations

Co-Marketing Programs
