Get Exclusive Partner Data for Increased Success!

We are proud to collaborate with leading data partners who have embraced our JSON-ready format, revolutionizing how data is accessed, utilized, and integrated into various applications and systems.

Access data in Senzing-ready JSON format for your projects, now!

Evaluate Senzing with Free Data


Are you considering Senzing? Grab our free regional data now and uncover your hidden connections!


Supercharge your production system with lightning-fast integration of third-party data!

Discover the Benefits of Third-Party Data

Unlock the Power of Pre-formatted Senzing JSON Data from Senzing Partners & Other Trusted Sources.

Why Does Third-Party Data Matter?

Third-party data is instrumental in empowering organizations to gain deeper insights from their datasets.

• Enhance In-House Entity Resolution: Utilize third-party data as reference points to refine and improve entity resolution within your organization’s data ecosystem.

• Expand Entity Attributes: Enrich your existing dataset by adding new dimensions, such as latitude and longitude coordinates, through third-party data integration.

• Uncover Hidden Connections and Relationships: Leverage third-party data to unveil concealed connections, exposing elusive entities and identifying potential threats, such as bad actors employing identity obfuscation techniques.

Harness the potential of third-party data to enhance your data analysis capabilities and drive informed decision-making.

Advantages of Pre-Formatted Files in Senzing-Ready JSON Data

With Senzing-ready JSON Data, manual mapping is eliminated, streamlining your data integration process.

The third-party data sources featured on this page have already completed the necessary formatting work. This data is meticulously ‘certified’ for seamless loading into Senzing, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in your data operations.

Senzing entity resolution quote

I heard about the OpenSanctions Senzing-ready JSON during a Senzing user conference.

I texted the office, and they downloaded it. Then, they ingested it into Senzing while Frederick, the founder of OpenSanctions, was still giving his keynote!

— (Undisclosed) Government Employee

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Data Providers Who Support Senzing-Ready Data

Get free data from our trusted partners:

Open sanctions logo 1 get partner data -

Are you looking for risk data? These datasets have everything you need: full sanctions, info on politically exposed persons (PEP), crime data, and related risk graphs, courtesy of OpenSanctions. Plus, there’s a neat subset of government sanctions lists, beneficial ownership data from Open Ownership, and details on companies with legal entity identifiers (LEI) thanks to GLEIF.

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Grab your free download of SafeGraph data straight from Washington State and Moscow in Senzing JSON format! This download is packed with all the data attributes you’ll find in SafeGraph Places, including detailed info tailored for both Washington State and Moscow. Perfect for diving into location-based insights with ease!

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It’s your dream, we’re here to help you make it. No egos included.

Free Senzing-Ready Data Files

Get started instantly with our complimentary Senzing-ready data files!

To further your exploration of Senzing, we’ve prepped Senzing-ready JSON files specifically focusing on records related to Las Vegas.

Click The Links Below To Download the Data:

PPP Loans over $150k
Dept of Labor Compliance Actions
Places of Interest in Las Vegas (courtesy of SafeGraph)

Are You A Data Provider?

Are you a data provider?  Do you want to accelerate your evals and win rates?
Reach out to us and join the movement.


• Third-party data sources in Senzing-ready JSON formatted files are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. In no event shall Senzing, Inc. be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability arising from or in connection with the use of such data sources, including but not limited to updates to the JSON files.

• The Senzing-ready JSON links provided are snapshots from the past, so the information is out of date.

• Many organizations have multiple legal entities, sometimes similarly named. Without more data, Senzing may match these entities if they are located at the same business address. Such duplicates are likely legitimate. Note: as more data is loaded, these overmatches begin to automatically self-correct, which is a unique capability of Senzing.
