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Get Started with Entity Resolution

Quickly Install & Try Senzing SDK For Free

Senzing® SDK for entity resolution is the most accurate and affordable way to quickly match records about people, organizations and their relationships. But you don’t have to take our word for it! In minutes you can install and explore Senzing and try it for yourself. It really is that easy!

These QuickStart options rapidly install the full Senzing SDK on an environment. This provides you with all the tooling to run a proof of concept and see the functionality and capabilities of Senzing on up to 100,000 records. If you want to evaluate a larger number of records for free – just ask us.

Our easy-to-use Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Tools let you explore your results, see matches and relationships. You can even compare Senzing technology’s results  to results from other entity resolution systems.

These QuickStarts only take about 15 minutes to setup, and can transition to fully scalable installations with ease. When you deploy the Senzing SDK in production, it can scale to tens of billions of records.

Senzing entity resolution for linux

 Senzing QuickStart for Linux

QuickStart for Linux walks you through seven cut-and-paste commands to install the Senzing SDK, as well as instructions on how to load and map your data. Data mapping can sometimes be tricky, and the quality of your results is dependent on getting it right. If you need help, contact us for support. Support at Senzing is always free!

Requirements: All you need is a Linux machine with 16GB of RAM and a solid-state or Flash drive, either on premise or in the cloud. You can even do the install on a Windows or Mac virtual machine. It comes with SQLite, so you don’t need your own database.

Senzing entity resolution for docker

QuickStart for Docker

QuickStart for Docker shows you how to setup and install the Senzing SDK, with just one Docker command. You’ll get access to every tool and example we provide. This process also creates a Senzing SDK deployment that you can use for your own Docker container development, as well as instructions on how to load and map your data.

Requirements: You must have access to Docker environment for running Intel x86_64 containers, access to to pull images, and access to a PostgreSQL database. (for details see Tuning Your Database for Senzing).

Discover what Senzing entity resolution can do for you

If your team is thinking about adding entity resolution capabilities to your solution, or upgrading what you already have, don’t wait to find out what Senzing technology can deliver. Just choose one of our three get started options and take Senzing entity resolution for a quick test ride. You’ll have your answer in minutes. Go ahead and get started with Senzing today. We’re confident you won’t be disappointed.

Not ready to get started on your own yet? You can schedule a free call with an entity resolution expert to discuss your project requirements.

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