Review: Senzing Uncovers Relationships Hiding Within Big Data
Used to combat fraud or uncover accidental data duplication, Senzing is a powerful yet lightweight tool with an artificial intelligence that is actually extremely smart.
By John Breeden II of CSO Online, published October 1, 2018

This is a review from a website offering the latest information and best practices about data protection.
Senzing has also been deployed to combat fraud. Although this feature was not live tested, company officials demonstrated how Senzing was used to uncover fraudulent activity at a financial institution. It was able to do this by matching several records together, all with different names, addresses and e-mails, and identified them as being from the same person. Senzing is quite good at seeing through obvious attempts at obfuscation, tying those purposely incorrect records to others using data points that nobody would probably think to examine as part of an investigation. And Senzing can do it at scale, to an entire database or a series of databases at the same time.
Used to combat fraud or uncover accidental data duplication, Senzing is a powerful yet lightweight tool with an artificial intelligence that is actually extremely smart. It can be deployed at a reasonable price – especially compared to many other big data analytics programs and services. The inclusion of a new graphical dashboard takes this technology out of the realm of the data scientist and places it in the hands of anyone with a complex set of data that requires detailed analysis.