Entity Resolution Buyer’s Guide

Guide to Evaluating Entity Resolution SolutionsThe Definitive Step-By-Step Guide to Evaluating Entity Resolution Software The purpose of this Buyer’s Guide is to provide an overview of different types of entity resolution solutions and help you understand what to look for when evaluating and selecting one. By reading the guide, you will be better equipped to [...]

What Is Libpostal?
What It Is & How It Works

Understanding LibpostalHow It Works & Why It Matters In the digital age, understanding and processing addresses accurately is crucial for a wide range of use cases including address matching and entity resolution. Libpostal stands out as the leading open-source library explicitly designed for parsing and normalizing addresses. In this article, we'll explore what Libpostal is, [...]

Data Providers Accelerate Time-To-Value with Senzing JSON

Integrating external datasets is critical for many organizations as they pursue their AI or data-led transformations. Whether leveraging external data to enhance internal entity resolution accuracy or add new attributes to existing data, the goal is more actionable and trusted insights. This need to integrate external datasets is why the number of third-party data providers [...]

What Are Entity Resolved Knowledge Graphs?

Entity Resolved Knowledge GraphsHow They Work & Why They Matter This introduction to the topic “What Are Entity Resolved Knowledge Graphs” will explain how the process of entity resolution can be applied to graph data to create a synergistic result called Entity Resolved Knowledge Graphs. This new approach amplifies the power and utility of traditional [...]

Aptitude Advances Financial Crime Detection With Entity Resolution

Improved Data Matching for the Aptitude Intelligence Platform with Entity Resolution Aptitude Global is a leading provider of technology and data consulting solutions for regulated industries with a specialization in financial crime. The company was established in 2014 in the UK by former managing directors of technology, data and fintech investments at UBS Bank. The [...]

Entity Centric Learning Explained

Delivering Highly Accurate Record Matching with Entity Centric Learning Entity Centric Learning™ is the highly accurate AI-powered record matching technique used by Senzing® entity resolution to resolve new records against existing entities. This unique Senzing capability is essential to finding criminals intentionally trying to obfuscate their identities. It is also great for identifying new opportunities, [...]

Entity Resolution Buyer’s Guide

The Definitive Step-by-Step Guide to Evaluating Entity Resolution SolutionsGET BUYER'S GUIDEWhat to Look for When Evaluating Entity Resolution Solutions Are you trying to decide on the right entity resolution software to purchase? If so, the Entity Resolution Buyer’s Guide will help you understand what to look for when evaluating and selecting one. The guide provides [...]

USCIS Improves Fraud Analytics with Senzing Entity Resolution

White Paper: How USCIS Utilized Senzing Entity Resolution to Improve Fraud Analytics The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) needed to improve its ability to identify immigration fraud committed by applicants and their representatives. The project involved detecting relationships between individuals requesting asylum or entry into the country and their lawyers and other representatives. [...]

Aite-Novarica Shines Spotlight on Senzing

Aite-Novarica Shines Spotlight on Senzing Senzing was highlighted as an emerging vendor in the Aite-Novarica Risk Insights and Advisory Fintech Spotlight Q1 2023 report. The Fintech Spotlight “aims to provide insight on interesting vendors that offer a strong unique selling point and an innovative approach…” Senzing and the other five firms profiled were selected because [...]

Why Explainability is Critical for Entity Resolution

Why Explainability is Critical for Entity Resolution Why is explainability critical for entity resolution? It’s important that the results entity resolution systems provide are easily explainable. Business users, big data scientists and auditors all want to know why records matched or didn’t, as well as the details of how decisions were made. Explainability helps you [...]