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Senzing API Release History

Latest v3.12 release: 3.12.5 (4 Feb 2025)
Latest v3.11 release: 3.11.2 (9 Sep 2024)
Latest v3.10 release: 3.10.4 (30 Jul 2024)
Latest v3.9 release: 3.9.1 (17 Apr 2024)
Latest v3.8 release: 3.8.3 (14 Feb 2024)
Latest v3.7 release: 3.7.2 (19 Oct 2023)
Latest v3.6 release: 3.6.2 (24 Aug 2023)
Latest v3.5 release: 3.5.3 (2 Jun 2023)
Latest v3.4 release: 3.4.2 (9 Feb 2023)

Version 3.12
released: 19 Sep 2024
end-of-life: 19 Sep 2026

Version: 3.12.5
Released: 4 Feb 2025

  1. Improved: Enable a search optimization to remove one SQL query

Version: 3.12.4
Released: 19 Dec 2024

  1. Fixed: Under rare data errors, a read-only operation (e.g., searches) might attempt to write to the database and error
  2. Fixed: Under rare conditions, if a database connection failure occurred during a search, the search could return an empty response and no error

Version: 3.12.3
Released: 21 Nov 2024

  1. Fixed: A rare issue where unstable database connections can cause a segfault
  2. Fixed: Under certain data conditions, redo records may encounter looping issues

Version: 3.12.2
Released: 1 Nov 2024

  1. Fixed: Issue when using multiple processes or multithreading, the ENTITY_NAME in response documents was the last cached name for that thread or process. The current best ENTITY_NAME is now shown
  2. Enhanced: Case-insensitive email matches no longer have the feature behavior downgraded from F1 to FF

Version: 3.12.1
Released: 23 Oct 2024

  1. Improve caching of prepared statements on all databases to reduce resources and encourage replanning
  2. Enhanced MSSQL error retries and logging on certain errors
  3. Enhanced PostgreSQL error logging

Version: 3.12.0
Released: 19 Sep 2024

  1. New: Added setting for case-insensitive email usernames in keys. Contact for instructions
  2. Improved scaling with multiple SQLite files
  3. Fixed: Expired lock issue with very long-running unresolve calls
  4. Removed PII from logging of infinite resolve messages to only include DATA_SOURCE and RECORD_ID values

Version 3.11
released: 7 Aug 2024
end-of-life: 7 Aug 2026

Version: 3.11.2
Released: 9 Sep 2024

  1. Fixed: Updating records having an ampersand symbol '&' in RECORD_ID causes an error: parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'
  2. Fixed: Under certain data conditions, reevaluate*() calls do not fully reevaluate records after a configuration change
  3. Improved error handling for invalid prepared statement error messages
  4. Optimized distinct address parsing

Version: 3.11.0
Released: 7 Aug 2024

  1. Improved delete performance
  2. Added INBOUND_FEAT_ID, INBOUND_FEAT_USAGE_TYPE, CANDIDATE_FEAT_ID, CANDIDATE_FEAT_USAGE_TYPE, SCORE_BUCKET, and SCORE_BEHAVIOR to the FEATURES_SCORES section of the G2_INCLUDE_FEATURE_SCORES flag JSON output for searchByAttributes() and searchByAttributesV3(). This standardizes the G2_INCLUDE_FEATURE_SCORES JSON output across calls

Version 3.10
released: 6 May 2024
end-of-life: 6 May 2026

Version: 3.10.4
Released: 30 Jul 2024

  1. Fixed: On PostgreSQL, an error, 1001E|Critical Database Error '(-1:another command is already in progress )', can occur when database processes are not closed properly
  2. Fixed: Under certain rare data conditions, a reevaluation can cause continuous retries on ambiguous entities
  3. Fixed: First character transposition bug in the Damerau–Levenshtein implementation
  4. MSSQL: Improved error handling cleanup and logging to stderr

Version: 3.10.3
Released: 12 Jun 2024

  1. Fixed: getRecord() returns 0039E|No observed entity for entity key during an update
  2. Fixed: Issue where DOBs can under-match if some values have timestamps
  3. MSSQL: Transaction Zones are now disabled by default when using a clustered database

Version: 3.10.2
Released: 23 May 2024

  1. Fixed: PostgreSQL database library dependencies
  2. Fixed: Potential crash when using G2Engine.destroy() with MSSQL

Version: 3.10.1
Released: 16 May 2024

  1. Fixed: Issue where the Python SDK reevaluateEntityWithInfo() fails for ENTITY_ID values > 4,000,000,000
  2. Fixed: Scoring issue for features with multiple qualifiers (e.g., country and type) using the ID_COMP comparison algorithm

Version: 3.10.0
Released: 6 May 2024

  1. Added: New senzingrepo v2 repository packages that detect architecture and platform. The new repository packages work only for versions >= 3.10.0. If a prior Senzing version is required, you must install the older senzingrepo v1 repository packages. See or contact for instructions
  2. Added: Support for OpenSSL 3.0. NOTE: Existing Senzing licenses are for OpenSSL 1.1, if you are installing a new Senzing version that supports OpenSSL 3.0, you must contact to request a new OpenSSL 3.0 compatible Senzing license. If your license is not compatible, this error is given: ERROR: senzing.G2Exception.G2LicenseException: 999E|Invalid License (Invalid Signature)
    • The new license packages support Senzing 3.10 or newer regardless of OpenSSL versions
    • If you are using a Senzing version prior to version 3.10.0, you must use the older license files
  3. Enhanced performance on large entities due to repeated data. e.g., same ER data but a new value like an ID is added each time. Performance for this data situation is improved up to 3x!
  4. Enhanced performance on large "furball" tests due to many varied values. Performance for this data situation is improved up to 4x!
  5. Optimized database queries resulting in 30% fewer select statements and 44% fewer rows returned compared to 3.9 when running ICIJ data as a benchmark
  6. Reduced redo record creation
  7. A1 and A1ES features no longer go generic
  8. Improve compatibility with MSODBC v18
  9. Changed name of Senzing's libpostal library build allowing developers to use Senzing and the public libpostal projects (e.g., pypostal) in the same process
  10. Fixed: Issue where why*() calls fail when retrieving corrupted entities
  11. Fixed: Under certain rare data conditions, an orphaned record that is reevaluated creates a relationship to itself
  12. Fixed: script-based name culture detection

Version 3.9
released: 12 Mar 2024
end-of-life: 12 Mar 2026

Version: 3.9.1
Released: 17 Apr 2024

  1. Optimized database reconnect logic and performance. DB2, MSSQL, and Oracle in particular improved

Version: 3.9.0
Released: 12 Mar 2024

  1. Fixed: Under certain rare data conditions, when scoring multiple features, a denial calculation may be skipped causing a relationship to be deemed a resolution
  2. Added the locklist to retry timeout messages
  3. Improved a SQL JOIN statement for better PostgreSQL optimizer handling
  4. Various fixes and improvements

Version 3.8
released: 8 Nov 2023
end-of-life: 8 Nov 2025

Version: 3.8.3
Released: 14 Feb 2024

  1. Fixed: Issue where why*() calls fail when retrieving corrupted entities
  2. Added confused entity feature display on get*() calls
  3. Improved database connection drop detection, retry, and recovery functionality
  4. Various fixes and improvements

Version: 3.8.2
Released: 16 Jan 2024

  1. Fixed: Under certain rare conditions, excess redo records were generated which could cause incomplete redos if coupled with database connectivity issues. To check if the issue is affecting your Senzing deployment, run the following SQL: select oe.OBS_ENT_ID from OBS_ENT oe LEFT JOIN RES_ENT_OKEY reo ON oe.OBS_ENT_ID=reo.OBS_ENT_ID where reo.RES_ENT_ID is null; If any rows are returned, contact for instructions
  2. Optimized redo record processing
  3. Optimized entity reevaluation
  4. Various fixes and improvements

Version: 3.8.1
Released: 21 Dec 2023

  1. Improved performance of LIB_FEAT and RES_FEAT_STAT table inserts
  2. Fixed: Issue where how*() and why*() calls do not throw Unknown resolved entity value exceptions for rare conditions where RES_ENT entries do not have corresponding RES_ENT_OKEY entries
  3. Various fixes and improvements

Version: 3.8.0
Released: 8 Nov 2023

  1. Improved performance by consolidating insert/update/upsert operations into single SQL calls to reduce network chatter and reduce XID usage (PostgreSQL)
  2. Improved performance of address transliteration by storing transliterations of parsed addresses
  3. Improved MM/DD swap handling for partial DATE_OF_BIRTH values
  4. NAME_KEYs now generate redo records for new installations. This helps address "stale" matches on NAME+DOB and possible matches on NAME only. NOTE: This change does dramatically increase the amount of redo records generated during load. If you prefer to disable this on a new installation, contact for instructions
  5. Added new whyRecordInEntity() function to determine why a particular record resolved to an entity
  6. Added support for TrustServerCertificate=yes in MSSQL v18 connection strings
  7. Added support for ; in passwords. NOTE: Both Microsoft and ODBC 3.0 recommend avoiding these characters in connection details: ”A DSN or connection string value enclosed with braces ({}) containing any of the characters []{}(),;?*=!@ is passed intact to the driver. However, when using these characters in a keyword, the Driver Manager returns an error when working with file DSNs but passes the connection string to the driver for regular connection strings. Avoid using embedded braces in a keyword value.”. See
  8. Added support for automatically leveraging deterministic and non-deterministic encryption methods depending on the engine's needs for a particular field. Encryption plugins will need to be updated with new functions
  9. NEW: Pre-release Linux ARM packages and docker hub images are available, contact for details
  10. Fixed: Issue where WithInfo response message AFFECTED_ENTITIES lists would include non-existent virtual ENTITY_ID values
  11. Fixed: Issue during certain data conditions where specific organization cultural variants were not being leveraged in matching, and instead generic or ambiguous variants were used
  12. Fixed: SQL column case if MSSQL is set as case-sensitive
  13. Various fixes and improvements

Version 3.7
released: 6 Sep 2023
end-of-life: 6 Sep 2025

Version: 3.7.2
Released: 19 Oct 2023

  1. Encryption plugin capability changes:
    • Added support for digital signatures (one-way hashes) to be encrypted. NOTE: If you are already using an encryption plugin, contact for details
    • Added support for non-deterministic encryption algorithms for fields that allow such behavior. Plugins will need the two new functions.
    • Fixed: potential crash in plugin call
    • Ask about our example using GoLang to implement an encryption plugin!
  2. Fixed: MSSQL statement column case for databases configured to be case sensitive
  3. Various fixes and improvements
  4. Updated license agreement

Version: 3.7.1
Released: 26 Sep 2023

  1. Fixed: MSSQL issue reading NULL clob values. This issue can occur when retrieving data for entities loaded in versions < 3.0.0 that have not been touched since
  2. Fixed: commands used to upgrade 2.x to ≥ 3.5.0 versions

Version: 3.7.0
Released: 6 Sep 2023

  1. NEW: searchByAttributesV3() includes a searchProfile parameter that allows searches to use different generics thresholds. Please contact for details
  2. Fixed: PostgreSQL governor URI parsing for encoding special characters
  3. Improved detection, correction, and reporting of corrupted entities
  4. Improved ER performance of entities with many name features
  5. Improved performance during transliteration
  6. Added support for non-odbc.ini MSSQL connection strings to better accommodate containerized deployments: CONNECTION=mssql://username:password@server:port:database/?driver=mssqldriver
  7. Various fixes and improvements

Version 3.6
released: 28 Jun 2023
end-of-life: 28 Jun 2025

Version: 3.6.2
Released: 24 Aug 2023

  1. Fixed: Under certain rare name data conditions, relationships may be logged with a null MATCH_KEY value

Version: 3.6.1
Released: 8 Aug 2023

  1. Fixed: Variants might not always be correctly leveraged during generic string scoring under certain data conditions. Does NOT impact name scoring
  2. Fixed: Incorrect country code assigned under certain data conditions

Version: 3.6.0
Released: 28 Jun 2023

  1. Optimized database communications
  2. NEW: Added Burmese personal name culture support
  3. Improved performance comparing Han organizational names mapped to personal names fields, NAME_FIRST, NAME_MIDDLE, NAME_LAST, or NAME_FULL (non NAME_ORG fields)
  4. Improved performance comparing Chinese organizational names
  5. Improved performance of searches that don't return features (the improved performance does apply to returning feature scores)
  6. Enhanced address scoring. Low quality address parses are now penalized to prevent overmatching
  7. NEW: Searches are now read-only. get*(), howEntityByEntityID, searchByAttributes(), why*() calls are all read-only
  8. EARLY EVAUATION FEATURE: Senzing can connect and perform read-only operations against read-only databases (replicas, standby, etc...). Please contact for help
  9. Various fixes and improvements

Version 3.5
released: 3 Apr 2023
end-of-life: 3 Apr 2025

Version: 3.5.3
Released: 2 Jun 2023

  1. Fixed: A WithInfo issue occurring in certain data conditions where an existing record in a non-singleton entity is updated causing it to split off into a new singleton entity. The WithInfo AFFECTED_ENTITIES list only contained the new singleton entity

Version: 3.5.2
Released: 3 May 2023

  1. Improved database lock creation and handling. Fix for exec called without holding lock error

Version: 3.5.1
Released: 17 Apr 2023

  1. (Python tooling) Fix for erroring when trying to find the non-existent JRE: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/senzing/g2/lib/jdk-11.0.10+9-jre. If a Senzing project upgrade to 3.5.0 failed, upgrading to 3.5.1 fixes the project
  2. Various fixes and improvements

Version: 3.5.0
Released: 3 Apr 2023

  1. Improved performance and reduced memory footprint during scoring
  2. Enhanced and more robust lock refresh logic
  3. Enhanced ambiguous entity processing logic
  4. Optimize reevaluations and clustered unresolve
  5. Libpostal: updated address parsing data model
  6. Add organizational name culture support
  7. Improved handling of person names that use or overlap with Chinese characters (Taiwan, Japanese Kanji, etc)
  8. Add handling of multiple generational values in names (e.g., John Smith JR JR), and stop removing hyphens from generational values (e.g. John Smith F-JR)
  9. Improved name handling of Ukrainian, Russian, and Chinese organizational names
  10. Improved compressed name scoring involving TAQs (titles, affixes, qualifiers). TAQs removed in compressed name scoring are still used to adjust scoring (e.g. PENN STATE OIL LLC and PENN STATE OIL CORP are not 100% matches)
  11. Add non-ASCII TAQ support
  12. Default configuration changes (new configs only):
    • Close FFs (features with a behavior of frequency few, e.g. addresses, phone numbers, etc) create possible relationships. Previously only Same FFs would do so, and Close FFs were returned only on search
    • Close Names without an exclusive denial create a possibly same relationship. Previously these were only returned on search
  13. Add apiVersion to workload stats
  14. JRE removed from packages
  15. Various fixes and improvements

Version 3.4
released: 11 Jan 2023
end-of-life: 11 Jan 2025

Version: 3.4.2
Released: 9 Feb 2023

  1. Fixed: Senzing engine configuration SQL Connection strings now support URL encoded characters. This is useful when passwords contain reserved characters (e.g. ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "=", and "&"). See for the HTML URL character encoding reference

Version: 3.4.1
Released: 24 Jan 2023

  1. Fixed: A rare exception where an in-memory virtual entity is not found, logged as 0087E|SRD Exception 'Failed to find virtual entity in virtual repository.'

Version: 3.4.0
Released: 11 Jan 2023

  1. Substantial reduction in DB access and CPU for entity retrieval operations when internal features are not requested (default behavior).
    • NOTE: With one worst-case scenario test of an entity with millions of features, this improvement went from hours to seconds.
    • NOTE: In a 5k record stress test case, over 100k SQL statements were removed.
  2. Significant reduction in Distinct Feature calculation CPU via score caching and optimizations
  3. How functionality performance improvements
  4. Unresolve performance improvements
  5. NEW: Added Khmer name culture support
  6. Reduce constraint violations that get logged in PostgreSQL application logs
  7. Compressed name processing is no longer enabled by default for organization names (e.g., Fish Shack vs FishShack). This change prevents overmatching (especially in Cyrillic org names), and also allows names such as Fish Shack IV vs Fish Shack VI to score properly.
    • NOTE: The behavior on existing deployments won't change unless you use an updated defaultGNRCP.config file.
  8. Fixed: Properly threshold ambiguous entities in clustered unresolve
  9. Fixed: Invalid RECORD_ID latch contention
  10. Note: Having a "lock" stolen has been raised to a logged error for visibility, though the operation will retry. If it happens often, please contact support.
  11. Note: The unused RES_FEAT_EKEY table first/last seen date fields are no longer referenced in SQL to improve DB performance.
  12. Various fixes and improvements

Version 3.3
released: 26 Sep 2022
end-of-life: 26 Sep 2024

Version: 3.3.2
Released: 26 Oct 2022

  1. Fixed: Enhanced reconnection logic in edge cases where the database server disconnects

Version: 3.3.1
Released: 10 Oct 2022

  1. Fixed: A rarely used configuration parameter that prevents exact duplicate records from automatically deduplicating

Version: 3.3.0
Released: 26 Sep 2022

  1. Significant performance improvement loading records with many names (e.g., watchlist)
  2. Allow multiple redo record processes
  3. Confused entities enhancements:
    • Improved and consistent identification of confused entities
    • Large entities no longer considered confused entities
    • Redo and reevaluate now correct confused entities
  4. Improve: Add threadStates to workload stats to help more easily identify contention and SQL wait. Note that these are for the instant when G2Engine.stats() was called and NOT some average/cumulative value:
      "threadState": {
       "active": 12, # processing a record
       "idle": 0,
       "sqlExecuting": 11, # in sql execute
       "loader": 4, # in the G2 loader, inserting/updating the internal record
       "resolver": 6, # doing ER
       "scoring": 2, # scoring
       "dataLatchContention": 0, # waiting for another thread that shares a similar key (sorted/grouped data)
       "resEntContention": 0 # contention on the same Entity with another thread/process
  5. Fix: Remove a potential, unreported, inconsistency in scoring addresses and a few other strings (did not affect names)
  6. Fix: Cluster unresolve (rare) may remove valid relationships for entities it doesn’t modify IF it does modify others
  7. Fix: Actual duplicate records no longer generate WithInfo AFFECTED_ENTITIES entries
  8. Various fixes and improvements

Version 3.2
released: 25 Aug 2022
end-of-life: 25 Aug 2024

Version: 3.2.0
Released: 25 Aug 2022

  1. Substantial overall performance improvement and resource reductions
  2. Massively improved single-process multi-threaded performance
    • Simplifies programming with Senzing by reducing the need to use multi-processes to scale
    • Tested beyond 128 threads in a single process
    • G2Loader defaults to 64 threads per process instead of 16
  3. Reduction in memory footprint across the application and especially when reducing the number of processes and increasing the number of threads
  4. Senzing will now work in Linux/amd64 docker containers run on Apple Silicon processor
  5. Fix: deleteRecordWithInfo to now return a WithInfo document populated with the requested DATA_SOURCE and RECORD_ID and the AFFECTED_ENTITIES list empty when the record does not exist
  6. Fix: to allow configuration calls to use SoftHSM database security
  7. Fix: to handle invalid prepared statements on MSSQL
  8. Fix: for zero count entity feature stats. System auto corrects as data is loaded
  9. Fix: redo records were classified as "addedRecords" in workload stats
  10. Fix: correctly report initial and current "availableMemory" in workload stats
  11. Improve: error message when no schema is in the database
  12. Improve: move to a private ICU build to prevent conflicts with system install ICU libraries
  13. Improve: workload stats now includes total workerThreads and the number of activeThreads processing requests
  14. Improve: most databases will have the SYS_EVAL_QUEUE populated with a hashcode for MSG_ID instead of a sequence value to improve the random ordering of redo processing
  15. Known Issue: physical cores reported will actually be the same as the number of logical cores
  16. Known Issue: when loading or saving a configuration change you may see the following warnings: WARN: Configuration [CFG_DSRC_INTEREST] returned an empty config and WARN: Valid salt found but no FTYPE(s) configured for hashing. These warnings can be ignored
  17. >New vastly easier Docker containers that can be used to build custom Senzing-based applications. Available in our Dockerhub and in our GitHub repositories

Version 3.1
released: 7 Jun 2022
end-of-life: 7 Jun 2024

Version: 3.1.2
Released: 11 Jul 2022

  1. Fix to handle invalid cursor errors on MSSQL
  2. Improved handling of database connection issues due to database cursor errors
  3. Various fixes and improvements

Version: 3.1.1
Released: 22 Jun 2022

  1. Fix for RedHat 8 Python dependencies
  2. Updates to enable custom plugin functionality
  3. Various fixes and improvements

Version: 3.1.0
Released: 7 Jun 2022

  1. Fix for zero count entity feature stats. System auto corrects as data is loaded
  2. Fix to properly generate and display disclosed relationship labels / MATCH_KEYs. System auto corrects as data is loaded
  3. (Python tooling) fix to allow loading of records where the ENTITY_TYPE is not configured. Records are now loaded as "ENTITY TYPE": "GENERIC"
  4. (Python tooling) now shows relationships on get calls by default
  5. Various fixes and improvements

Version 3.0
released: 4 May 2022
end-of-life: 4 May 2024

Version: 3.0.0
Released: 4 May 2022

  2. IMPORTANT: See Senzing API 3.0 - Breaking Changes
  3. for a detailed list of modified and deprecated features and requirements
  4. NEW: howEntityByEntityID() function details how an entity got put together record by record
  5. NEW: Oracle database support - Oracle 19c or newer
  6. Optimize reevaluations to auto-correct additional data conditions
  7. Optimize disclosed relationships
  8. Optimize observed features
  9. Libpostal address parsing enhancements
    • Improved parsing of Singapore unit information
    • Improved parsing of US unit information
    • Improved parsing of Hawaiian TMK information
    • Improved parsing of Great Britain post codes
    • Improved parsing of post office box data
    • Improved parsing of Spanish and Portuguese unit information
    • Improved parsing of abbreviated and alias words in address data
    • Various libpostal fixes and improvements
  10. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • new how command tells you how an entity got put together record by record
    • new tree command groups and counts an entity's relationships in a tree view format through degrees of separation
    • Enhanced export command now exports the JSON for an entity and all its relationships through degrees of separation, excellent for creating support tickets and test cases
    • Enhanced set command now allows for toggling relationships to be shown on a get, suppressing other data sources on data source and cross source summary reports, and setting the statistics on those reports to be record based rather than entity based
    • Improved paging through reports now clearly identifies which example number you are on and allows you to jump to any example
  11. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • Enhancement to make workload stats periodic
  12. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • new -d parameter to take a snapshot of just a single data source and all it matched. Why take a snapshot of hundreds of millions of records from a reference data set when all you want to know did any match my customers
    • Enhanced performance: is now multi-threaded and restartable.
    • Enhanced performance: start reviewing a snapshot as soon as a chunk of it has been processed, see the -k chunksize parameter
  13. Improved handling of database connection issues
  14. Fix Linux workload CPU stats
  15. Fix to properly handle newlines in JSON
  16. Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.9
released: 28 Jun 2022
end-of-life: 28 Jun 2024

Version: 2.9.1
Released: 3 Aug 2022

  1. Fix to handle invalid prepared statements on MSSQL
  2. Fix for zero count entity feature stats. System auto corrects as data is loaded
  3. Fix to allow configuration calls to use SoftHSM database security
  4. Various fixes and improvements

Version: 2.9.0
Released: 28 Jun 2022

  1. Fix to handle invalid prepared statements on MSSQL
  2. Fix for zero count entity feature stats. System auto corrects as data is loaded
  3. Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.8
released: 14 Jul 2021
end-of-life: 14 Jul 2023

Update: 2.8.8
Released: 31 Mar 2022

  1. Fix for selective hashing middle name scoring

Update: 2.8.7
Released: 1 Mar 2022

  1. Fix to enhance database reconnects on failed connections

Update: 2.8.5
Released: 12 Jan 2022

  1. Enhancement to support a threshold for disclosed relationship suppression for each entity per REL_ANCHOR_DOMAIN or REL_POINTER_DOMAIN value (contact for enablement instructions)
  2. Various fixes and improvements

Update: 2.8.4
Released: 10 Nov 2021

  1. Enhancement to support partial SSN handling (contact for enablement instructions)
  2. Various fixes and improvements

Update: 2.8.3
Released: 7 Oct 2021

  1. Fix to remove outdated feature values when reloading or reevaluating records

Update: 2.8.2
Released: 7 Sep 2021

  1. Fix to prevent match denials due to incomplete or invalid dates of birth under certain data conditions

Update: 2.8.1
Released: 11 Aug 2021

  1. Fix to improve incomplete reevaluations of records due to connectivity errors
  2. Optimize reevaluations to auto-correct certain data conditions
  3. Various fixes and improvements

Version: 2.8.0
Released: 14 Jul 2021

  1. Optimize database reconnections on PostgreSQL
  2. Enhancement to support Java-language plugins for feature standardization, expression building, and comparison
  3. OPTIONAL: You may drop the OBS_FEAT_EKEY_SK index as it is no longer used by the system. This reduces unnecessary IO and storage space
  4. Fix to improve handling of non-ASCII characters in addresses
  5. Various fixes and improvements
  6. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • search command now provides additional information for searches to help determine if the entity does not exist, if the search criteria is insufficient, or if there are too many search results
    • Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.7
released: 14 Jun 2021
end-of-life: 14 Jun 2023

Version: 2.7.0
Released: 14 Jun 2021

  1. Fix MSSQL database reconnection
  2. Fix NAME_FULL collapsing of initials when scored against NAME_ORG
  3. Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.6
released: 17 May 2021
end-of-life: 17 May 2023

Version: 2.6.0
Released: 17 May 2021

  1. Enhancement to increase performance and reduce IOPS for certain features
  2. Enhancement to increase performance and reduce IOPS when processing redo records
  3. Fix record locking when processing redo records
  4. Various fixes and improvements
  5. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • Restart engine when the configuration is modified
    • Improved error messaging
    • Various fixes and improvements
  6. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • get* and delete* commands now autocomplete where relevant. For example, getRule <tab> will list rules
    • get* commands will pretty print JSON by default. Turn off with prettyPrint. See help prettyPrint
    • list* commands now take optional argument to filter results. For example, listRules sf1 will filter only rules that contain sf1 anywhere in the rule
    • list* commands that produce long output lines are now spaced with newlines for easier reading
    • New configuration commands:getActiveConfigID, getConfigList, getConfig, and getConfigSection
    • Various fixes and improvements
    • Fix deleteRule error when using a rule name
  7. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • Improved output format and statistics when running in test mode using -T / --testMode
    • Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.5
released: 15 Apr 2021
end-of-life: 15 Apr 2023

Update: 2.5.1
Released: 6 May 2021

  1. Enhancement to improve PostgreSQL performance when processing redo records
  2. Fix to improve handling of non-ASCII characters
  3. Various fixes and improvements

Version: 2.5.0
Released: 15 Apr 2021

  1. OPTIONAL: Configuration update to implement certain new features and fixes. Click here for instructions
  2. Fix PostgreSQL redo queue 40P01 deadlocking error - (requires configuration update)
  3. Enhancement to enable usage of Placekey values for address matching - (requires configuration update)
  4. Update to the new senzingdata-v2 package. NOTE: If you have a custom install, you must modify it to use the new RPM or APT package names
  5. Upgrade Global Name Management libraries and data
  6. Use Senzing truthset data as default data if no file or project is specified
  7. Fix UTF-8 character conversion in Java API
  8. Fix clustering of feature values in output
  9. Various address parsing and resolution enhancements
  10. Various fixes and improvements
  11. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • Add _-_SzShuf_-_ suffix and timestamp to shuffled files to identify them
    • (command line argument) -snd and --shuffleNoDelete replaces -nsd and --noShuffleDelete to clarify meaning
    • (command line argument) -sfr and --shuffFileRedirect redirects shuffled files to another path to improve disk performance when shuffling large files
    • Pause and prompt to allow a user to exit and use a previously located shuffle file if found, continues without input if used in scripts
    • (command line argument) -sfi and --shuffFilesIgnore ignores check for existing shuffled files
    • Fix compressed file usage with projects
    • Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.4
released: 24 Feb 2021
end-of-life: 24 Feb 2023

Update: 2.4.2
Released: 7 Apr 2021

  1. Fix PostgreSQL redo queue 40P01 deadlocking error - (new installs only, version 2.5.0 includes upgrade fix)

Update: 2.4.1
Released: 10 Mar 2021

  1. Fix searchByAttributes and searchByAttributesV2 results when using G2_EXPORT_* flags

Version: 2.4.0
Released: 24 Feb 2021

  1. Enhancement for API calls to default ENTITY_TYPE to GENERIC
  2. Enhancement to reduce PostgreSQL transaction ID usage
  3. Enhancement of new g2dbencrypt tool. Please contact support for usage
  4. Enhancement to improve specificity of error codes
  5. Enhancement to enable usage of Placekey values for address matching. Contact for info
  6. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • (command line argument) -cf and --compressFile compresses output to a gzip file
    • (command line argument) -x and --extended for CSV now only includes JSON_DATA for the entity not relationships to reduce size
    • (command line argument) -xcr and --extendCSVRelates adds related entities
    • stdout logs/messages now go to g2export.log
    • Fix to prevent command line argument abbreviations
    • Various fixes and improvements
  7. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • (command line argument) -skr and --skipRecords skips the first n records
    • Fix to prevent command line argument abbreviations. Prevent -F use as an abbreviation for --FORCEPURGE
    • Fix PEP8 issues
    • Add check to prevent purge with redo only mode
    • Remove unused modules and imports
    • Remove unused vars
    • Various fixes and improvements
  8. Fix to prevent records with different RECORD_TYPE features from merging
  9. Fix to delete orphaned OBS_ENTs
  10. Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.3
released: 15 Dec 2020
end-of-life: 15 Dec 2022

Update: 2.3.3
Released: 19 Feb 2021

  1. Fix connection pointer is NULL database error when using a specified schema and multithreading

Update: 2.3.2
Released: 10 Feb 2021

  1. Fix to preserve the schema name in a PostgreSQL connection during a reconnect

Update: 2.3.1
Released: 26 Jan 2021

  1. Fix G2Export fetchNext database access error

Version: 2.3.0
Released: 15 Dec 2020

  1. Improve transaction handling for PostgreSQL
  2. Fix Requested lookup of ... using unknown value [0]. Value not found errors
  3. Fix Conflicting RECORD_ID values issue in addRecordWithReturnedRecordID
  4. Various fixes and improvements
  5. Enhance
    • (command line argument) -ntm and --threadCountMem: maximum memory % to use when calculating threads, default=80
    • Output now includes command line arguments used
    • Detailed version and configuration information included output
    • Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.2
released: 29 Sep 2020
end-of-life: 29 Sep 2022

Update: 2.2.6
Released: 7 Dec 2020

  1. Fix redo records queue query function

Update: 2.2.5
Released: 17 Nov 2020

  1. Enhance whyEntities* response with additional disclosed relationship details
  2. Fix handling of specialized characters in data. This resolves bad XML parsing errors.

Update: 2.2.4
Released: 2 Nov 2020

  1. Enhance reevaluation processing, including improved error reporting
  2. Fix reevaluation Unknown DATA_SOURCE value error
  3. G2Loader redo only mode (-R) now automatically calculates additional threads unless specified (-nt)

Update: 2.2.3
Released: 29 Oct 2020

  1. Improve redo processing

Update: 2.2.2
Released: 23 Oct 2020

  1. Improve redo processing
  2. Fix Requested lookup of [ETYPE_ID] using unknown value [0]. Value not found error caused by a bad internal hash. The issue is self-correcting, and entity resolution is not affected
  3. Fix G2Export fetchNext error
  4. Various G2Loader enhancements, including improvements for container usage
  5. Various fixes and improvements

Update: 2.2.1
Released: 30 Sep 2020

  1. Include missing G2Loader PostgreSQL governor file:

Version: 2.2.0
Released: 29 Sep 2020

  1. Enhance Python tooling
  2. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • purgeRepository command now accepts --FORCEPURGE argument to purge without prompting
    • restart command restarts G2Command and turns off debugging if on, reloads config changes if any made for example using G2ConfigTool
    • restartDebug command restarts G2Command and turns debug on
    • timer command times command execution. Toggles on/off with same command
    • (command line argument) -t and --debugTrace enables debugging
  3. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • Improved error handling
    • Add API version to output
  4. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • no longer uses G2Project.ini
    • New export completion output formatting
    • Increased CSV field limit to prevent abend on very large JSON_DATA field
    • Fix issue for export row count under certain data conditions
  5. (Python tooling) enhancements
    • no longer uses G2Project.ini
    • Automatically optimize thread count (-nt command line argument overrides auto-optimization)
    • New startup and statistics format and information: thread calculation, configuration details, file info, shuffling info, redo info, and governor ingestion pause info.
    • (command line argument) -sr and --STOPONRECORD stops loading records at n records
    • (command line argument) -P and --purgeFirst now prompts before purging
    • (command line argument) -FORCEPURGE and --FORCEPURGE purges without prompting
    • (command line argument) -nsd and --noShuffleDelete doesn't delete shuffled files so they can be used again with -ns or --noShuffle arguments
    • New governor class
    • (governor class) Pause G2Loader when PostgreSQL is running out of transaction IDs and prevent ID wrap around
    • (governor class) Automatically use when PostgreSQL is detected as the Senzing repository
    • (governor class) Inform when ingestion is paused and to issue manual vacuum of database
    • (governor class) Ingestion continues when datfrozenxid drops below threshold during a vacuum
    • (governor class) Can be used as a template to write your own governors for G2Loader
  6. Improve transliteration and general name handling
  7. New addRecordWithReturnedRecordID function
  8. Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.1
released: 3 Sep 2020
end-of-life: 3 Sep 2022

Update: 2.1.1
Released: 22 Sep 2020

  1. Various fixes and improvements

Version: 2.1.0
Released: 3 Sep 2020

  1. Enhance whyEntityByEntityID output to return info for all entity records
  2. Add option for PO Boxes to be exclusive to other addresses if the city/state/postal are unique
  3. Fix non-ASCII JSON parsing issues
  4. Improve address parsing
  5. Various fixes and improvements

Version 2.0
released: 23 Jul 2020
end-of-life: 23 Jul 2022

Update: 2.0.1
Released: 23 Jul 2020

  1. Fix a rare segfault under certain data conditions

Version: 2.0
Released: 16 Jul 2020

  1. NOTE: THIS RELEASE REQUIRES AN UPDATE TO YOUR CONFIG AND SCHEMA. Please refer to this article to perform the upgrade
  2. Enhanced and simplified Disclosed Relationships. See How to create disclosed relationships
  3. Deprecated legacy features, functions, and support. See Senzing API 2.0 - Breaking Changes
  4. POC tools now released as the Senzing Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) tools in the /python directory. The utility takes a snapshot of the current state of the records loaded in a Senzing repository. The utility is an interactive command line utility that uses the output from the utility to display interesting statistics and examples of the entities in an Senzing repository at strategic times. The utility provides a complete analysis of the differences between entity resolution between two snapshots
  5. Add the list of records for related entities to getEntity
  6. Add why not functionality to Why functions
  7. Various fixes and improvements
  8. Increase evaluation license limit to 100k records
  9. Updated

Version 1.15
released: 20 Apr 2020
end-of-life: 20 Apr 2022

Update: 1.15.6
Released: 30 Jun 2020

  1. Add Aurora PostgreSQL optimizations

Update: 1.15.5
Released: 24 Jun 2020

  1. Fix geo location scoring

Update: 1.15.4
Released: 17 Jun 2020

  1. Fix zombie process issue
  2. Fix potential process locking issue during startup

Update: 1.15.3
Released: 20 May 2020

  1. Add findEntitiesByFeatureIDs function

Update: 1.15.2
Released: 11 May 2020

  1. Fix unresolve looping issue
  2. Improve performance of getEntity* functions entity retrieval. This issue was observable when using findNetwork* functions

Update: 1.15.1
Released: 28 Apr 2020

  1. Improve system performance during resolution of extremely large entities

Version: 1.15
Released: 20 Apr 2020

  1. NOTE: THIS RELEASE REQUIRES AN UPDATE TO YOUR CONFIG AND SCHEMA. Please refer to this article to perform the upgrade
  2. POC utilities added to release. The utility takes a snapshot of the current state of the records loaded in a Senzing repository. The utility is an interactive command line utility that uses the output from the poc-snapshot utility to display interesting statistics and examples of the entities in an Senzing repository at strategic times. The utility provides a complete analysis of the differences between entity resolution from two different Senzing systems or from configuration changes to the same system. The utilities are located in the /<Senzing_project>/extras/poc directory
  3. Improve redo processing error handling
  4. Improve yum repo update speeds
  5. Fix Java exportConfig() to return a config ID
  6. Add default EMAIL_KEY expressed feature
  7. Improve feature scoring

Version 1.14
released: 6 Feb 2020
end-of-life: 6 Feb 2022

Update: 1.14.8
Released: 30 Apr 2020

  1. Fix unresolve looping issue

Update: 1.14.7
Released: 26 Mar 2020

  1. Fix expressed feature creation looping issue when loading data

Update: 1.14.6
Released: 23 Mar 2020

  1. Fix issues in ER rule evaluation and reporting causing 2068E|ER-Rule ID log entries
  2. Fix g2ssadm segfault

Update: 1.14.5
Released: 18 Mar 2020

  1. Optimize redo processing

Update: 1.14.4
Released: 10 Mar 2020

  1. Improve performance of redo processing
  2. Fixes and improvements to Why functions

Update: 1.14.3
Released: 28 Feb 2020

  1. Suppress spurious MySQL error messages introduced in 1.14.2

Update: 1.14.2
Released: 27 Feb 2020

  1. Optimize redo processing
  2. NOTE: If using MySQL, you may encounter the following errors which you may safely ignore: UNHANDLED DATABASE ERROR: ((1054:Unknown column 'LOCK_DSRC_ACTION'...

Update: 1.14.1
Released: 20 Feb 2020

  1. Enhanced expressed feature creation performance
  2. Enhanced ER efficiency
  3. Improve the handling and concentrated logging of ER “looping”. If mass logging of ER "looping" is still observed, please contact Senzing support. The log would contain the following errors: ERR: DETECTED POTENTIAL INFINITE RESOLUTION LOOP: RE-RESOLVE THE SAME ENTITY MULTIPLE TIMES

Version: 1.14
Released: 6 Feb 2020

  1. NOTE: THIS RELEASE REQUIRES AN UPDATE TO YOUR CONFIG AND SCHEMA. Please refer to this article to perform the upgrade
  2. WhyRecords function added that will return a “why” comparison of any two records loaded into Senzing
  3. Added an email comparison plugin. Previous email comparisons were done with exact match
  4. G2Config API is greatly expanded to cover most of the capabilities of the tool for users that want to programmatically interact with the Senzing ER configuration
  5. Performance efficiencies added for redo records
  6. Improved robustness for data handling (UTF-8 checks, line feeds, etc.)
  7. Various fixes and improvements

Version 1.13
released: 15 Nov 2019
end-of-life: 15 Nov 2021

Update: 1.13.7
Released: 13 Feb 2020

  1. Enhanced ER efficiency
  2. Improve the handling and concentrated logging of ER “looping”. If mass logging of ER "looping" is still observed, please contact Senzing support. The log would contain the following errors: ERR: DETECTED POTENTIAL INFINITE RESOLUTION LOOP: RE-RESOLVE THE SAME ENTITY MULTIPLE TIMES

Update: 1.13.6
Released: 31 Jan 2020

  1. Identify, log, and stop rare ER “looping” where the analytics may repeatedly second guess itself

Update: 1.13.5
Released: 27 Jan 2020

  1. Fix crash under certain record conditions. Most often when many usage types or unmapped attributes are used

Update: 1.13.4
Released: 14 Jan 2020

  1. Fix crashing issue with REDO message generation
  2. Fix issue with REDO message XML encoding

Update: 1.13.3
Released: 8 Jan 2020

  1. Fix issue where locking of resolved entity could hang

Update: 1.13.2
Released: 5 Dec 2019

  1. Fix issue with python fetchNext possibly failing on non-ASCII data
  2. Fixes to *WithInfo functions not always returning all affected entities
  3. Fix issue where a name may get ignored during matching
  4. Fix to processRedoWithInfo not returning the correct RECORD_ID
  5. Significantly improve processing of [partially] pre-parsed addresses when re-parse is of poor quality

Update: 1.13.1
Released: 25 Nov 2019

  1. Added new whyEntity set of functions to describe why records are part of an entity. Find documentation here and jupyter notebooks here.
  2. Various smaller features and bugfixes

Version: 1.13.0
Released: 15 Nov 2019

  1. NOTE: THIS REQUIRES AN UPDATE TO YOUR CONFIG. Please refer to this article to perform the upgrade.
  2. MS SQL 2017 support added
  3. Add BRIEF G2_ENTITY flag to return a little more information than MINIMAL
  4. Significant performance improvements with entities with lots of features of the same type
  5. Various smaller features and bugfixes
  6. Fix for a segfault in some situations with old ambiguous entities

Version 1.12
released: 16 Oct 2019
end-of-life: 16 Oct 2021

Update: 1.12.2
Released: 6 Nov 2019

  1. Fix for a segfault in some situations with old ambiguous entities
  2. G2LICENSEFILE setting now supports either a direct path to a file or a path to a directory with a g2.lic file in it
  3. Enhance the engine to update the match keys more often in certain conditions
  4. Fix issue with deleting files created by a user in the project directory
  5. Improve reevaluation capabilities

Update: 1.12.1
Released: 22 Oct 2019

  1. Fix for a segfault in certain data conditions

Version: 1.12.0
Released: 16 Oct 2019

  1. NOTE: THIS REQUIRES AN UPDATE TO YOUR CONFIG. Please refer to this article to perform the upgrade.
  2. As part of the ugprade the g2config.json will reside in the database by default. G2ConfigTool will modify the version in the database.
  3. The "WithInfo" API functions will now return "Sphere of Interest" information to support the generation of real-time insights. If you are interested in this function please contact support.
  4. Significant work around improving the upgrade experience. The use of is encouraged to simplify upgrades. Feedback is appreciated.
  5. Numerous fixes and improvements
  6. NOTE: This is expected to be the last release with a TGZ file available. The YUM/APT repositories are the main distribution for the SenzingAPI product.

Version 1.11
released: 3 Sep 2019
end-of-life: 3 Sep 2021

Version: 1.11.19246
Released: 3 Sep 2019

  1. NOTE: THIS REQUIRES AN UPDATE TO YOUR CONFIG AND AN ALTERED TABLE IN YOUR REPOSITORY. Please refer to this article to perform the upgrade.
  2. ConfigID is added to the DSRC_RECORD table so you can know which configuration was active when the record was processed if you are using DB based JSON configurations.
  3. Implement "WithInfo" API functions that will return which resolved entities were modified during the function call. This can be very helpful if you are updating downstream systems.
  4. Fix G2ConfigMgr.addConfig function to return success and the ConfigID if the configuration already exists.
  5. Various fixes and improvements
  6. This version aligns with the latest updates to the Community projects that support automatic configuration reloading on update

Version 1.10
released: 9 Jul 2019
end-of-life: 9 Jul 2021

Version: 1.10.19295
Released: 22 Oct 2019

  1. Enhance the engine to update the match keys more often in certain conditions

Version: 1.10.19229
Released: 18 Aug 2019

  1. Fix potential seg fault during ambiguous processing

Version: 1.10.19224
Released: 13 Aug 2019

  1. NOTE: THIS REQUIRES AN UPDATE TO YOUR CONFIG. Please refer to this article to perform the upgrade.
  2. Added public YUM and APT repositories. Please refer to this article for more information
  3. Fix potential seg fault during ambiguous processing
  4. Fix potential infinite retry in certain data conditiions

Version: 1.10.19214
Released: 2 Aug 2019

  1. NOTE: THIS REQUIRES AN UPDATE TO YOUR CONFIG. Please refer to this article to perform the upgrade.
  2. Numerous improvements to unresolve and ambiguous processing
  3. Change G2ConfigMgr.addConfig to be successful and return the configID
  4. Fix secure store support for database password storage

Version: 1.10.19190
Released: 9 Jul 2019

  1. NOTE: THIS REQUIRES AN UPDATE TO YOUR CONFIG AND A NEW TABLE IN YOUR REPOSITORY. Please refer to this article to perform the upgrade.
  2. Adds a schema version to the SYS_VARS table
  3. We have listed python3 as required for a long time but this release actually requires it or it will not work
  4. Significant updates to as well as the available Jupyter notebooks for documentation
  5. Added a new set of init (initV2*) functions and a reinitV2 function to support immutable installs where the G2Module.ini and g2config.json contents are passed in through streams. This can be coupled with the new G2ConfigMgr API and getActiveConfig() functions to store the configuration in the database, detect when the default config changes, and reload the engine configuration on the fly. Some of the Senzing Community projects are still being updated to take advantage of this.
  6. Small improvement to address parsing when ADDR_STATE is specified as a full name rather than ISO code.

Version 1.9
released: 4 Jun 2019
end-of-life: 4 Jun 2021

Version: 1.9.19161
Released: 10 Jun 2019

  1. Fix bug where G2Config.create() was not using the g2config.json template in g2/data as per the documentation/intent but was instead using the g2config.json file pointed at in the G2Module.ini
  2. Fix bug on MySQL where all the redo queue records were getting pulled back from the DB internally for each call to GetRedoRecords(). In extreme cases this could run a system out of memory.

Version: 1.9.19155
Released: 4 Jun 2019

  1. G2Engine will verify the configuration being loaded is compatible with already loaded into the repository
  2. Additional improvements to ambiguous entity detection
  3. More performance enhancements to deleting records
  4. Massive speed improvements to exporting data and better fine grained control of what is returned for CSV exports
  5. Fix Linux Available Memory calculation
  6. Many python3 fixes to the G2Engine API python wrapper. Make sure not to use G2Module any longer as it will not be maintained.
  7. Add Java REDO functions and documentation
  8. NOTE: THIS REQUIRES A NEW TABLE IN YOUR REPOSITORY. Please refer to this article to perform the upgrade.
  9. HEADS UP for improvements coming to you by popular demand
    1. Automatic g2config re-load and sharing
    2. G2Engine will support supplying the G2Modile.ini and the g2config.json as strings rather than requiring them to be stored as files
    3. Switching to rpm/deb packages from the tgz and providing a public yum/apt repository for them

Version 1.8
released: 8 May 2019
end-of-life: 8 May 2021

Version: 1.8.19137
Released: 17 May 2019

  1. Expose NAME_GEN as an attribute for situations where the name generation is separated

Version: 1.8.19128
Released: 8 May 2019

  1. New redo processing functions that eliminate direct DB access. See processRedoRecord, getRedoRecord, and countRedoRecords. demonstrates use of getRedoRecord and countRedoRecords in python.
  2. unixODBC no longer required for G2Loader and G2Export
  3. Search no longer writes the search record to the database. These weren't counted for licensing purposes but for search heavy use cases the diagnostic benefits were outweighed by the system impact
  4. Removed some hard coding around MATCH_KEYs that could result in the MATCH_KEY not reflecting the actual configured behavior
  5. JSON documents that incorrectly returned LENS_ID not properly return LENS_CODE
  6. Greatly improved delete performance
  7. Fixed a locking issue that could lead to a hang after certain race conditions if Senzing wasn't closed properly
  8. Substantial performance improvements to exporting data. now defaults to a minimal export that results into an up to 10x speed improvement
  9. G2Loader and G2Export now provide improved feedback while running
  10. Various bug fixes and performance improvements
  11. NOTE: THIS REQUIRES A MODIFICATION OF YOUR g2config.json. Please refer to this article to perform the upgrade.

Version 1.7
released: 5 Apr 2019
end-of-life: 5 Apr 2021

Version: 1.7.19095
Released: 5 Apr 2019

  1. Add *V2 functions to API providing more consistency and allowing additional control of output
  2. Add MINIMAL flag to getEntity* functions that provides a super optimized results. Particularly useful in replicating the entities and relationships.
  3. Substantial improvements to the stat() output (-w on G2Loader) that will provide the RES_ENT_ID for the entities and FEAT_HASH for the features creating high amounts of contention. Very useful in identifying problem entities or data mapping without having to query the repository.
  4. The GNM customGn/Sn/On files now default properly and no longer need to be specified
  5. Added GENDER variants in Italian
  6. Fixed issue with calling python addRecord(...) in certain locale's corrupting the RECORD_ID
  7. Many minor fixes and cleanups
  8. Look for great things happening on, especially for docker and Kubernetes users

Version 1.6
released: 2 Mar 2019
end-of-life: 2 Mar 2021

Version: 1.6.19077
Released: 19 Mar 2019

  1. Include PostgreSQL support for python scripts (G2Loader, G2Command, etc)
  2. Add [PIPELINE] NAME_EFEAT_WATCHLIST_MODE=Y G2Module.ini option to improve searching on name only in smaller datasources. Defaults to 'N' (off).

Version: 1.6.19058
Released: 2 Mar 2019

  1. Fix processing of full names with commas but no spaces (e.g. “Smith,John”)
  2. Substantial improvements to search, find, and get on large entities, especially entities with large numbers of names. Showing up to 80x speed improvement in real work test cases of entities with a large number of names.
  3. Added V2 functions to search, find, and get that provide better control of what entities are returned and what is included in the entities
  4. Preliminary PostgreSQL support
  5. Quality improvements in two token names with TAQs (e.g. “Andrew Les” vs “Andrew Lewis”)
  6. getRecord will no longer return success if the record was not full processed
  7. Nationality and Citizenship no longer prevent matches
  8. Improve reprocessing of records after license expiration
  9. General performance improvements
  10. Substantial work in the Senzing Community on Kafka loading with docker stream loader images
  11. Continued closed Beta of GUI components

Version 1.5
released: 31 Jan 2019
end-of-life: 31 Jan 2021

Version: 1.5.19031
Released: 31 Jan 2019

  1. New G2Diagostics API for pulling out details and evaluating system resources
  2. Substantial enhancements to Name Scoring to reduce some false positive matches
  3. G2Loader will evaluate the system and warn about fundamental deficiencies in resources and database performance
  4. Add EMPLOYER as an attribute
  5. Add ElasticSearch prototype integration to the Senzing Community
  6. Add REST API Java server to the Senzing Community
  7. Improve multi-threaded access to the API by preventing config/initialization changes from causing crashes
  8. Additional improvements on handling duplicate or replacement records
  9. Fix GEO_LOC handling of 0,0
  10. Improve recognition of Name Generational values (e.g. 2nd, 3rd)
  11. G2_Destroy will now return -1 if the engine is not initialized
  12. Beginning closed Beta of GUI components

Version 1.4
released: 20 Dec 2018
end-of-life: 20 Dec 2020

Version: 1.4.18354
Released: 20 Dec 2018

  1. Fix issue with Postal Codes of only 4 digits causing low scores
  2. Do not count search records in license counting
  3. Improve handling of duplicate RECORD_IDs in a file
  4. Performance improvements when matching records with conflicting data

Version: 1.4.18341
Released: 7 Dec 2018

  1. Distinct Values enhancement now works with addresses
  2. Further performance improvements to eliminate database queries
  3. Improve memory usage during exporting data
  4. getEntity* functions no longer return full data for related entities. This significantly improves performance of these functions. If you want to be able to return the full data for the related entities, see the recent FindNetwork function
  5. The JSON in the export has been simplified to match the new getEntity* behavior
  6. Identical records but with different RECORD_IDs will now process significantly faster
  7. Improved handling of parallel related record handling
  8. Fix bug with REL_LINKs not breaking relationships properly
  9. Additional performance improvements with large numbers of features of the same type
  10. Fix a potential access violation when SQL debug logging is enabled
  11. Fix handling of inconsistently formatted SSN features
  12. ** Note there are schema changes for this version. Please apply the appropriate SQL upgrade file to your repository

Version 1.3
released: 2 Nov 2018
end-of-life: 2 Nov 2020

Version: 1.3.18313
Released: 9 Nov 2018

  1. Fix potential issue with invalid LIB_FEAT_IDs getting stored. This is fixed and any bad values are handled.
  2. Fix issue with related parallel loaded data not seeing each other ("Latching") leading to an increased inconsistency in results in certain data conditions.
  3. Fix bug in not actually dropping to single threaded on small loads even though it claimed it did
  4. Lazy load full feature information during processing causing a significant reduction in select statements
  5. Never suppress NAME scoring regardless of the number of distinct names
  6. Misc internal cleanup items

Version: 1.3.18306
Released: 2 Nov 2018

  1. FindPath and FindNetwork functions added to support visualization, insight detection, as well as integrating advanced capabilities into interactive canvases.
  2. Automatically adjust to handle bad/excessive data in order to reduce noise in results and improve performance. For instance, having 500 addresses means that address is no longer identifiable for the entity or having 1000 entities with the same disclosed relationship is no longer a meaningfully strong relationship.
  3. Total number of identified resolved entities is now returned in the audit summary
  4. Last Update/Seen date added to getEntity* call returns
  5. G2Loader has new flags to disable redo processing as well as to only process redo. This allows a multi-node setup to have one redo process as well as adds the flexibility for users wanting to process redo only at the end or with a fixed number of threads.
  6. G2Loader now supports pulling files from Amazon AWS S3
  7. VIN and License Plate features added
  8. Support Linux using SoftHSM as a secure store.
  9. Key new articles available:
    1. Replicating the Senzing results to a Data Warehouse
    2. Reprocessing with configuration changes
    3. Managing the Senzing API configuration
    4. Scaling out your database with Clustering
    5. Senzing Architecture
  10. Updated API Docs

Version 1.2 releases
released: 30 Sep 2018
end-of-life: 30 Sep 2020

Version: 1.2.18273
Released: 30 Sep 2018

  1. API customers can now leverage the App in their development and testing. Download the App at
  2. Upgrading existing configurations and repositories is now supported
    1. SQL files are now included to allow you to upgrade your existing repositories to the latest version
    2. Leverage the program to convert your existing configuration to work with the latest API version
  3. New ER configuration enhancements for users leveraging the latest configuration
  4. The new Distinct Values enhancement will automatically detect that one value is a subset of another. For instance, that Passport without a country or that Date of Birth without a day will no longer create overmatching once the complete value is discovered
  5. Improved performance and accuracy in handling ambiguous records
  6. The Python API is now much better aligned with the Java API, allowing us to provide a unified set of documentation at
  7. Support formal Chinese government dates so you now effortlessly match '2011年9月30日' to '30th of Sept 2011'
  8. Our community github has been launched with a Spring Boot example:
  9. NAME_DATA, ATTRIBUTE_DATA, IDENTIFIER_DATA fields have been added to the CSV output
  10. G2Audit temporary files are now compressed for a vastly smaller resource footprint

Version 1.1
released: 18 Sep 2018
end-of-life: 18 Sep 2020

Version: 1.1.18261
Released: 18 Sep 2018

  1. Fix the premature expiration of licenses in the G2Config API
  2. Changed version numbering system
  3. More to come soon!

Senzing App Version History

Latest v3.12 release: 3.12.1 (29 Oct 2024)
Latest v3.8 release: 3.8.0 (20 Nov 2023)
Latest v3.7 release: 3.7.1 (12 Oct 2023)
Latest v3.4 release: 3.4.1 (2 Jan 2023)

Version 3.12 releases
released: 29 Oct 2024
end-of-life: 29 Oct 2026

Version: 3.12.1
Released: 29 Oct 2024

  1. Upgraded to Senzing API Version 3.12.1 (This version includes all Senzing API updates from version 3.8.0 to 3.12.1)
  2. Various enhancements and bug fixes

Version 3.8 releases
released: 20 Nov 2023
end-of-life: 20 Nov 2025

Version: 3.8.0
Released: 20 Nov 2023

  1. Upgraded to Senzing API Version 3.7.1 (This version includes all Senzing API updates from version 3.7.1 to 3.8.0)
  2. Addressed CVE-2023-4863
  3. Various enhancements and bug fixes

Version 3.7 releases
released: 12 Oct 2023
end-of-life: 12 Oct 2025

Version: 3.7.1
Released: 12 Oct 2023

  1. Upgraded to Senzing API Version 3.7.1 (This version includes all Senzing API updates from version 3.4.1 to 3.7.1)
  2. Added "How" entity report to the entity resume detail screen
  3. Improved "Why" functionality
  4. Improved Entity Network Graph
  5. Updated Senzing license
  6. Various enhancements and bug fixes

Version 3.4 releases
released: 2 Feb 2023
end-of-life: 2 Feb 2025

Version: 3.4.1
Released: 2 Feb 2023

  1. Upgraded to Senzing API Version 3.4.1 (This version includes all Senzing API updates from version 2.8.6 to 3.4.1)
    NOTE: The upgrade requires reloading of existing data sources stored in projects. Press the LOAD[->] button on each data source
  2. Added "Why" functionality to the graph context menu.
  3. Added "Why Report" functionality to the entity resume detail screen
  4. Added full-screen graph with breadcrumb support
  5. Added support to remove or collapse at a specific graph node
  6. Updated graph display defaults to narrow scope and ensure graph readability
  7. Updated Senzing license
  8. Various enhancements and bug fixes

Version 2.8 releases
released: 14 Jul 2021
end-of-life: 14 Jul 2023

Version: 2.8.6
Released: 25 Jan 2022

  1. Update Senzing license

Version: 2.8.0
Released: 14 Jul 2021

  1. Incorporate Senzing API Version 2.8.0, click here to see the release notes
  2. Fix to improve handling of non-ASCII characters in addresses on Windows

Version 2.1 releases
released: 15 Sep 2020
end-of-life: 15 Sep 2022

Version: 2.1.2
Released: 19 Mar 2021

  1. Update Senzing license

Version: 2.1.1
Released: 22 Sep 2020

  1. Incorporate Senzing API Version 2.1.1, click here to see the release notes

Version: 2.1.0
Released: 15 Sep 2020

  1. Incorporate Senzing API Version 2.1.0, click here to see the release notes
  2. Support for pre-mapped data source files
  3. Support for Senzing-compliant JSON files, see Generic Entity Specification
  4. Various enhancements and bug fixes

Version 2.0 releases
released: 27 Jul 2020
end-of-life: 27 Jul 2022

Version: 2.0.1
Released: 27 Jul 2020

  1. Incorporate Senzing API Version 2.0, click here to see the release notes
  2. Include a demo project with a robust synthetic data set
  3. Various enhancements and bug fixes
  4. Increase evaluation license limit to 100k records

Version 1.x releases
released: 6 Aug 2019
end-of-life: 6 Aug 2021

Version: 1.10.19302
Released: 25 Nov 2019

  1. Various bug fixes and enhancements as part of the Senaing API engine
  2. Updated to latest 1.10 engine
  3. Support for macOS Catalina

Version: 1.10.19218
Released: 6 Aug 2019

  1. Various bug fixes as a follow on to the integration of the Senzing Community Components

Version: 1.10.19190
Released: 9 July 2019

  1. Added "At A Glance" visualization for entity relationships on entity detail screen
  2. Incorporated Senzing Community Components so the same experience in the App with Search, Search Results, and Entity Resume is the same experience users will see when leveraging these components in their own web based applications
  3. Now leverages the Senzing Community REST API
  4. Various bug fixes and performance improvements

Version: 1.8.19137
Released: 17 May 2019

  1. Additional mapping enhancements and fixes
  2. Fix broken About popup

Version: 1.8.19126
Released: 6 May 2019

  1. Improved auto-mapping
  2. Added mapping validation / feedback to help get mapping right the first time
  3. Incorporate API build

Version: 1.7.19095
Released: 5 Apr 2019

  1. Add new system resource health feedback into the App. The API has had these for a release already but now App users will see them.
  2. Fix issue with certain success conditions being reported as errors
  3. Incorporate API build
  4. Look for great things happening on, especially for docker and Kubernetes users

Version: 1.6.19077
Released: 19 Mar 2019

  1. Incorporate API build

Version: 1.6.19058
Released: 2 Mar 2019

  1. Log system details (memory, cpu, disk performance) into Application log
  2. Add a Developer menu to take an interested user to the Senzing API resources
  3. Various bug fixes and small enhancements
  4. Incorporate API enhancements
  5. Continued closed Beta of GUI components

Version: 1.5.19031
Released: 31 Jan 2019

  1. Various bug fixes and small enhancements
  2. Incorporate API enhancements
  3. Beginning closed Beta of GUI components

Version: 1.4.18354
Released: 20 Dec 2018

  1. Fix memory growth issue in Dashboard
  2. Incorporate API update

Version: 1.4.18341
Released: 7 Dec 2018

  1. Improved error handling for startup failures
  2. Leverages latest API improvements
  3. Eagerly working on big new things!

Version: 1.3.18306
Released: 2 Nov 2018

  1. Opt-in to share App Analytics to help us improve the product
  2. Improved identification of ADDR_FULL vs ADDR_LINE1 in auto-mapping
  3. Stability and Bug Fixes
  4. Leverages latest API improvements

Version: 1.2.18274
Released: 1 Oct 2018 (Windows only)

  1. Release with updated security libraries to remove old dependencies

Version: 1.2.18273
Released: 30 Sept 2018

  1. See full entity details in the new Entity Resume
  2. By popular request, data exports now include all the records rather than the sample view
  3. Filter your results by Match Key for quick analysis
  4. API customers can now leverage the App in their development and testing
  5. Numerous interface enhancements and clean up
  6. Leverages the latest Senzing API for even better results

Version: 1.1.18261
Released: 18 Sept 2018

  1. Fix the premature expiration of licenses
  2. More to come soon!

Version: 1.1.18199
Released: 19 July 2018

  1. New Icon, because Icons are cool
  2. Check for Updates:
    1. Opt-in to Automatically Check for Updates allows you to get the latest improvements to the Senzing experience
    2. NEW in Preferences: We believe in choice, you can turn off automatic updates too
  3. NEW Options: Accessible via the Gear Icon (Settings)
    1. Get Help: Submit Support Ticket
    2. About Senzing
    3. Access to Getting Started Page
    4. Access to Online Documentation
    5. Check for Updates
  1. Fixed drag-and-drop for adding one or more CSVs into the Data Sources screen
  2. Fixed copy/paste of in-app text on macOS
  3. Improved privacy messaging when enabling detailed application logs
  4. Improved status on and handling of license limits
  5. Various other bug fixes and improvements

Version: 1.1.18170
Released: 19 June 2018

  1. Initial GA version
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