New Performance Gains and Cloud Cost Savings
As more organizations attempt to reduce cloud hosting costs, the Senzing team is focused on increasing entity resolution transaction speeds and reducing cloud costs.
Entity Resolution Performance Gains
We’ve made huge gains! Over the last 18 months we’ve released several enhancements to our Senzing® API to speed up entity resolution performance, simplify infrastructure requirements, and reduce total cost of ownership (TCO).
Some of the gains we’ve realized from August 2021 (version 2.8) through January 2023 (version 3.4):
- 38% reduction in the time required to perform the AWS serverless fully auto-scaling “fire and forget” test.
- 70% decrease in total billed input/output operations per second (IOPS) for the same test.
- Eliminated the need for shared volumes (e.g., AWS EFS, Kubernetes PV).
- Reduced the number of processes and nodes required.
These results are a great start, but they are only the beginning! Subscribe to our Marketing Communications to stay up to date on our efforts.
Technical Info: Tested using our 20M record regression data set on an AWS Serverless 3-node cluster; auto-scaling up to 192ACU each.
For technical performance geeks, follow our performance testing on GitHub. Yes, we make it all public — the results, the test setup, and the data, all of it. Senzing is transparent by default which is another reason you can count on us for your most trusted entity analytics.