G2Engine Searching for Entities

Searching for Entities


searchByAttributes() retrieves entity data based on a user-specified set of entity attributes.

g2_engine.searchByAttributes(data_as_json, response_bytearray, g2_engine_flags)
  • data_as_json: (str) A JSON document with the attribute data to search for.
  • response_bytearray: (bytearray) Object to store the output of the method.
  • g2_engine_flags: (int [optional]) One or more flags used to determine response document content. Applicable flags are listed here searchByAttributes flags)
Click to expand `searchByAttributes()` example


searchByAttributesV3() retrieves entity data based on a user-specified set of entity attributes and a specified search profile. This allows searches to use different generics thresholds. Please contact support@senzing.com for details on creating a custom search profile.

g2_engine.searchByAttributesV3(data_as_json, search_profile, response_bytearray, g2_engine_flags)
  • data_as_json: (str) A JSON document with the attribute data to search for.
  • search_profile: (str) A configured search profile name.
  • response_bytearray: (bytearray) Object to store the output of the method.
  • g2_engine_flags: (int [optional]) One or more flags used to determine response document content. Applicable flags are listed here searchByAttributes flags)
Click to expand `searchByAttributesV3()` example